Many believe that the only way to secure a bright future is through setting up their own business. Hence, many tend to work and save up to start a company and build their own business empire. However, it is not as easy as how some may imagine. Here are some things you need to know in order to become an entrepreneur.
[themecolor]What is SSM? 什么是 SSM?[/themecolor]
You can’t not know about SSM if you want to start a business. You must go to Suruhan Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) to register for a new company in Malaysia and it is best to find out what documents are required beforehand so you do not have to make a fruitless trip.
想要创业,就不可不知SSM。要在马来西亚注册新公司,你必须在马来西亚公司注册局 (Suruhan Syarikat Malaysia, 简称SSM) 登记,并且在登记前先咨询好需要准备的一切文件,避免因为资料不足而浪费时间白跑一趟。
Here are the contact details of SSM and the address of their Kuala Lumpur headquarter 以下提供 SSM的联系方式及位于吉隆坡总部的地址供参考:
No 7, Jalan Stesen Sentral 5,Kuala Lumpur Sentral,50623 Kuala Lumpur.
Operation Hour:
Day : Monday – Friday
Service Counter : 8.15 am – 4.15 pm
For more information, please visit their website 想要了解相关资讯,也欢迎浏览他们的网站:
[themecolor]Types of registered company 注册公司的类型[/themecolor]
Next, you need to understand which type of company you have to register for. According to the law, there are three categories in general:
[themecolor](A) 生意注册 (Enterprise)[/themecolor]
Sole Proprietorship: Registered under a single person’s name, there is only one independent operator and is responsible for all operations. Creditors have the right to demand payment from proprietor’s personal asset to the extent of bankruptcy if the business ever go downhill.
个人经营, 只有一个独立经营者,以个人名义注册,债务风险及权限也是个人名义承担,倘若经营不善欠下债务,债主有权追讨经营者的个人资产直至经营者宣布破产为止。
Partnership: With 2 to maximum 20 co-founding the company, all partners are to bear the same risk of debts and same as sole proprietorship, creditors have the right to demand payment from partner’s personal asset to the extent of bankruptcy.
[themecolor](B) 公司注册 (Company)[/themecolor]
Sdn Bhd: Limited company composes of at least one director and is protected under Company Act, where creditors have no power to demand repayment from the director’s personal assets as the risk of debts is only bound to the company. The process of setting up a limited company is more complicated and the required documents are different. A limited company also have to appoint an auditor to do audited report. The pros of having a limited company is that the interests of the directors are protected by the Company Act which help to avoid many disputes.
有限公司,由最少一位董事 (Director) 组成,受公司法令 (Company Act) 保护,债务风险受限于公司名义,意即如果公司欠债没有钱偿还,债主无权力向公司董事追讨个人资产偿还债务。成立有限公司的程序比Enterprise来得复杂,要求提供的文件也略有不同,每年还得请审核师 (Auditor) 批审提呈账目 (Audited Report)。有限公司的好处是公司董事的利益受到法令保护,省却很多争议性的纠纷。
Berhad: Or listed company, is transformed from a limited company that did well and wish to expand and gather more funds . As this is not considered as a new business, we will not be discussing this in details.
上市公司,也称 listed company, 很多有限公司在经营一段时间后如果有所成就,如果还想继续把生意做大,则会考虑把公司转型变成上市公司,以筹集更多资金发展公司业务。由于此注册类型并不属于新公司注册的范围,因此便不在此多作叙述。
[themecolor](C) 有限生意注册 (Limited Liability Partnership)[/themecolor]
Compared to the first two, this is a new registration option in Malaysia that combined the features of (A) and (B), such that that operators from a partnership need not bear the risk of debts and the registration procedures is not as complicated as registering a company.
LLP: 相比于前两项,这在马来西亚属于新的注册选项,融合了 A & B的特点,即经营者属于合伙经营 (Partnership) 但不须以个人名义承担风险,注册手续也不像注册公司般那么繁杂。
Most people are unsure about the difference between Sdn Bhd and Enterprise so here is a chart to help you out.
很多人比较混乱的是Sdn Bhd和Enterprise的区别,我在这里整理了一个简单易明的列表,相信能够帮助到大家做出正确的选择。
[themecolor]Sdn Bhd[/themecolor] | [themecolor]Enterprise[/themecolor] | |
[themecolor]1.法律地位 Legal status[/themecolor] | 属于独立个体,拥有法律地位。公司投资者(股东)出资本,然后由董事经营公司。Independent unit with legal status, the company is funded by investors (shareholders) and run by directors. | 没有法律地位。企业拥有人与公司属于同一个体,是不分开的。No legal status, the owner and company is a unit and cannot be separated. |
[themecolor]2.股东人数 The number of shareholders[/themecolor] | 2~50 | Sole Proprietorship – 1 Partnership – 2~20 |
[themecolor]3.债务责任Debts Responsibility [/themecolor] | 只限于股东已经或尚未支付的实收资本。Only limited to paid-in capital that has or has not been paid by the shareholders. | 企业拥有人需要全额负责Enterprise owners are fully accountable. |
[themecolor]4.资产及产业拥有权Asset and industrial ownership [/themecolor] | 属于公司持有,而不是股东Belongs to the company and not the shareholders. | 属于所有企业拥有人共同享有Shared among all business owners. |
[themecolor]5.永续经营Sustainable operation [/themecolor] | 永久延续。可以通过股份转让方式转让权益予其他人士/公司。Business can be sustain permanently. May transfer shares to other person/ companies. | 一旦企业拥有人身份有改变(如破产、死亡、辞职或有新的合作伙伴),将被解散。Once the ownership of an enterprise has changed (bankruptcy, death, resignation, or a new partner), it will be disbanded. |
[themecolor]6.生意管理Business management [/themecolor] | 董事会共同管理,需要至少两位董事Managed by the board of directors of at least two. | 所有企业拥有人共同管理Co-managed by all business owners. |
[themecolor]7.税率Rate [/themecolor] | 如果实收资本不多过2.5 million, 第一个500,000是20%,超出部分就25%If the paid-in capital is less than $2.5 million, the first $500,000 is 20%, remaining is charged at 25% | 所有盈利将加到企业拥有个人收入,一起被课个人所得税。All earnings will be added to the company owner’s personal income, and is calculated under individual income tax. |
[themecolor]8.如何注册How to register [/themecolor] | 向SSM注册登记Register with SSM | 向Registrar of Business注册登记Register with Registrar of business |
[themecolor]9.是否需要委任公司秘书及审计师The need to appoint secretary and auditor [/themecolor] | 需要YES | 不需要NO |
[themecolor]10.银行贷款Bank loan [/themecolor] | 较容易获得,取决于公司的现金流及未来前景。Easier to get approval but it depends on the company’s cash flow and future prospects. | 较难取得贷款。依据企业拥有人的个人财务状况。Loans are harder to get and is based on the owner’s personal financial situation. |
In general, Sdn Bhd and Enterprise have both its advantages and disadvantages.
The advantage of Sdn Bhd is that it is easier to apply for bank loans, take on large projects and obtain government contracts. As the company’s finances are standalone, it wouldn’t affect personal assets if the company ever face any financial difficulties. The downside is that accounts need to be very clear, hence more money are used on accounting services and avoiding tax is near to impossible.
For Enterprises, its advantages are that accounts and simple, low cost and easier to avoid tax. However, it is difficult to get loans as well as take on large projects. Moreover, the company’s financial status affects individual assets so if the company is to close down, creditors can apply for a court order to seal up and auction off individual’s assets to repay their debt.
总的来说,Sdn Bhd和Enterprise都各有优缺点。
Sdn Bhd的好处在于比较容易申请到银行贷款,承接大型工程,以及获得政府的合约。而且因为公司的财政是独立的,如果公司财政陷困,不会影响到个人资产。但缺点是账目需要非常清楚,会计费用也相对较高,也很难避税。
如果是Enterprise, 其优点是账目简单,费用低,容易避税。但因为贷款难,所以也很难承接到大型项目。而且,公司的财政会影响个人资产,如果公司倒闭,债权人可以申请庭令查封以及拍卖个人名下的资产以偿还债务。
[themecolor]Conditions to register for a company 注册公司的条件[/themecolor]
1)Owner must be a Malaysia citizen or Malaysia PR 业主必须是大马公民或大马永久居留者
2) Owner must be above 18 years old业主年龄必须是18岁以上
3) Only the owner or partner can register 注册仅可由业主或伙伴申请
[themecolor]Registration fee 注册收费[/themecolor]
1)The registration fee of personal enterprise (personal name) is RM30.
2)The registration fee of joint venture and individual enterprise (business no.) is RM60.
合资企业、个人企业(商号)注册费 60零吉
3)The registration fee of new business branch is RM5 , printing fee is RM10.60 inclusive of consumption tax)
分店注册 5零吉 企业资料打印费 (10零吉60仙 含消费税)
4)Renewal fee for enterprise licence (as with registration fee, the fee is calculated annually and can be renewed for 1 to 5 years) *online registration or other application fee
企业执照更新费 (与注册费一样,收费按年计算,可更新1至5年) *网络注册或有其他手续费
[themecolor]Material needed for registration 注册所需资料[/themecolor]
1)Company name 公司名字
2)Opening date 开业日期
3)Main office address 总店地址
4)Owner’s information 业主资料
5)Business type 生意类型
6)Branch office address (if any) 分店地址(如有)
7)Partner information (joint venture registration) 伙伴资料 (合资企业注册)
8)Partnership contract (join venture registration, if any) 合伙合约 (合资企业注册,如有)
Lastly, don’t forget to buy a good accounting system to help with your business operation! We wish you all the best in your business!