Frequently Asked Questions.
Find quick answers to common queries about our Million Business Software. Simplify your understanding and get started with confidence.

Users can refer to our online database for answers to frequently asked questions, or contact Rockbell’s support department via live chat, WhatsApp, email or call in.
It will take 3 hours to complete the training for Million Accounting System.
Million Accounting System is suitable for startups, growing, and established SMEs from all industries, and for users with or without accounting knowledge.
Million Accounting Software supports all currencies. It can be for both base currency or transaction
Yes you can, we have utilities to allow you to import excels documents into the system
You can keep multiple years of data in Million Accounting Software.
Yes, users do not need to wait for a new financial year to start using Million Accounting Software. We can migrate your master file including brought forward transactions and users can start in any financial month in the year. We will provide service support to assist in this process and it is complimentary.
For Million Accounting Software, we provide excel templates for customers to import their master file so there is no manual key in required. This will allows set up of accounting software to be swift and almost immediate.
Yes, Million Accounting Software has API that enables us to link seamlessly to third party solutions like CRM, Warehouse Management System, Order Systems and others. We have successfully link with many solutions for our software.